While the Monument was being built, notices of its construction and completion were often placed in the newspaper to inform the public about its progress. These notices sometimes included facts about its height or materials. Soon after it was completed small brochures and broadsides began to appear outlining its dimensions and other facts. How tall is it? Where did the marble come from? How many steps are there? Who served on the original Board of Managers? Using laser scanning and calculations, the Conservancy was for the time able to determine how much the statue of Washington weighs.
The Monument is meant to be experienced not only from the outside, but from the inside. Architect Robert Mills designed the structure
When America’s first President George Washington died in 1799, the new United States of America went into mourning. His generation had accomplished
While the Monument was being built, notices of its construction and completion were often placed in the newspaper to inform the public
Baltimore and the City Beautiful: Carrère & Hastings Reshapes an American City. Mount Vernon Place has a long and distinguished landscape design
What’s in a Name? Baltimore—”The Monumental City.” For over two hundred years Baltimore has been called “The Monumental City.” Since the 1970s